EOI opens for new student accommodation to be developed in Darwin CBD
Expressions of Interest (EOI) are now open for organisations wishing to tender on the design, development, and operation of new student accommodation in the Darwin CBD.
CDU is inviting submissions for purpose-built student accommodation, or the provision of student accommodation from suitable existing or redeveloped buildings in Darwin.
Charles Darwin University (CDU) Vice-Chancellor Scott Bowman said the new Education and Community Precinct in Cavenagh Street, which is due to be completed in 2024, will attract additional international and domestic students, who need suitable accommodation.
“CDU is looking to expand its current student accommodation options over the coming years to better cater to the needs of the student community in the Territory,” Professor Bowman said.
Professor Bowman said some of the projected demand could be met through developing and operating facilities on the site of the new CBD campus, but additional capacity will also be required by developing new facilities on private land or leasing rooms in existing or re-purposed facilities.
“We know that many students have struggled to find suitable accommodation options close to the city and the university,” he said.
“As we see student numbers increase, particularly from international and domestic students, demand for student accommodation will only continue, and we don’t want that to be a barrier to study.
“Arriving in Australia as an international student can be incredibly daunting for many students, so this is about supporting students with that transition and ensuring they have adequate housing to succeed while they are at university.”
It is estimated that around 1,200 students are currently living in private accommodation in Darwin, with the projected demand for additional student accommodation to cater for the growth in international students estimated to be between 250 and 300 beds in 2025, increasing by a further 120 by 2028.
CDU is also looking to better support its international student community by offering additional accommodation options to support students to find suitable accommodation. CDU will also be looking at expanding student accommodation options in Alice Springs.
Interested organisations are asked to register their interest with Tenderlink at tenderlink.com/cdu